Cost of a House?

I think MSFT+YHOO is not only about search. Yes, search appears to be the the no#1 thing today. But it is about cloud computing in total. Its about all services over Internet which one can monetize.

No points guessing that cloud computing is where technology is headed & search is only the doorway. But the final price is never for the door its for the entire house. If your address is well known like White House, or 10 Downing Street you will get the great price. By that what I mean is just look at Ebay or Amazon for example if one has to shop online we hardly go to Google b'se we know what Amazon what keeps in store.

So in my mind MSFT has recognized this. And from Yahoo all MSFT needs is few well known services, web traffic & the BRAND which make me wonder if MSFT is ready or getting ready with some important services to challenge the growing power of Google and might need brand like Yahoo to make the best of the products.

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